SVC SocietyPRO - A Society Management Application

Complaint Management

SVC SocietyPRO Complaint Management lets you gather all your members complaints into one common help desk system where you can categorize, assign and resolve all these complaints with ease.

Members of society can raise Requests, Complaints, ask for Suggestions to the Admin, committee member or office bearer

Members can raise complaints related to their flats (personal complaints) or common areas (community complaints) of society

Members easily identify Complaints name, Date, Assign to Name and status of complaints

Owner only identify their own added and assigned complaints they cannot see others added and assigned complaints

Only Admin and Office bearer have rights to Assign that complaints to other members to solve

Members can add more comments to the complaint/suggestions

Complaint can only be Deleted by the person who has raised or Admin

System will automatically send instant notification to the person whom the complaint is assigned

Automated status get updated basis the changes on the complaint

Other Key Features

The perfect solution to make living in a society complex a pleasant and convenient experience - for the residents, the managing committee.

Billing & Accounting

Automated & instant maintenance bill generation and Easy to perform accounting entry.

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Data Management

Automated & instant maintenance bill generation and Easy to perform accounting entry.

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SHARE your thoughts, Give opinion via Poll, get Notices, Events update, Broadcast Email/SMS and many more.

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Payment Gateway

Handling customer complaints is easy when you have the right solution.

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Our Clients

More than 10,000 Members are already on SVC SocietyPRO